Discuss the 4Ps of Marketing

By: Stanley Yun Kai Fok

For this post, I will be discussing the 4Ps of marketing and further go through the ones most relevant to me specifically, for my website. 

(Merakist, 2019)

The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. These are a combination of methodologies and tools utilised by marketers in order to achieve objectives and create an outstanding business overall. (Coursera, 2022) 

Personally, because my website idea is about selling kitchen appliances, I would need to focus on the product, price, and promotion. I do think that place/location is important but it is not centralised in the entirety of the business since a physical store does not exist at the moment. 


Coursera (2022) The 4 Ps of Marketing: What They Are and How to Use Them. Available at: https://www.coursera.org/articles/4-ps-of-marketing (Accessed: February 8, 2023). 

Merakist (2019)  multicolored marketing freestanding letter. Available at: https://unsplash.com/photos/jyoSxjUE22g (Accessed: February 27, 2023).


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