Invention of WWW and E-commerce

 By: Stanley Yun Kai Fok 

Before delving through the wondrous world of E-Commerce/Online shopping, we might want to know a little bit of background on it. In this post, a description of the inventors of E-commerce and the World Wide Web (WWW) will be further discussed. 

(Momentbloom, 2017)

According to Thomas, J.,

Michael Aldrich is the inventor of online shopping. He has claimed to use videotex which is a two-way message service. It has significantly helped and changed the business industry making it easier for people to gain ease of access and connections. As time went by, the system of online shopping improved and changed. The term we now commonly used for online shopping is E-commerce. (Thomas, 2021)

According to Webfoundation,

Tim Berners-Lee is the inventor of the World Wide Web, also known as (WWW), which was formed in 1989 and can be seen in the initial part of any web link. However, nowadays it is commonly hidden in most web addresses. (Webfoundation, 2022)


Webfoundation (2022) History of the Web - World Wide Web Foundation. Available at: (Accessed: January 16, 2023).

Momentbloom (2017) Brainstorming Icons in Thin Line Design. Available at: (Accessed: January 16, 2023).

Thomas, J. (2021) The history of online shopping | Purple. Available at: (Accessed: January 16, 2023).


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